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SheTaik UI 3.3.3a
04.01.2012, 22:40
SheTaik UI 3.3.3a

- Удалить "Fonts" и "Interface" и сделайте бекап если надо 
- Папки "Fonts" и "Interface" из архива киньте в папку WoW 
- В игре напишите: /settings all. Для установки всех настроик 
Дальше пункт если вы скачали аддоны DBM MSBT и Skada для них в этой сборке есть конфиги после того как вы скините папки этих аддонов в интерфейс из архива в папке extras киньте их в папку интерфейс с заменой файлов 
- В игре напишите: /settings dbm. для DBM. 
- В игре напишите: /settings msbt. для MSBT. 
- В игре напишите: /settings skada. Для Skada.

Нельзя обновлять аддоны тогда все настройки слетят! 
Аддоны(сорри что не перевёл): 
- aSettings ...ALZA mod that adds some tweaks to interface: changes UI scale, adds some slash commands, adds "one-button" mount function, autogreen on greens in groups, auto decline duels and accept invites, hiding errors from UIErrorsFrame and more. 
- !BaudErrorFrame ...Records errors as they occur, allowing you to access them when you want to. 
- aMiniMap ...ALZA mod that, small minimap addon. Features: square, clean minimap, can be moved and scaled. Tracking icon is transparent and moved to bottomleft corner. Right click on map opens calendar. 
- aTooltip ...ALZA mod that based on sTooltip by Shantalya. Features: backgound changed, unit names colored by class or reaction, customizable target line added, statusbar moved, talents spec. 
- Butsu ...is a small replacement for the default loot frame. 
- caelNameplates ...is a small replacement for the default nameplates 
- cargBags ...is a lightweight and modular bag framework. 
- cargBags_Pernobilis ...is a simple bag layout. 
- Fane ...is a small add-on to make the chat tabs look slightly more appealing. 
- Filger ...is a small add-on to track spells. 
- idChat ...is a small replacement for the default chatframes. Features: copy chat text, copy and highlight chat link, auto scrolling chat down and chat filter. 
- LitePanels ...is, in essence, a UI panel art framework aimed for use by both UI authors and normal users. It was created to be a solid, lightweight alternative to kgPanels. 
- LiteStats ...is a lightweight stats mod. 
- oGlow ...will light up your items, by adding a quality border to them. 
- OmniCC ...is an addon that adds text to items/spells/abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they'll be ready for use. 
- oUF ...is a unit frame framework. 
- oUF_AuraWatch ...adds the ability to watch specific auras on any unit of your choice. 
- oUF_DebuffHighlight ...adds debuff highlighting to the oUF unitframes. 
- oUF_ReadyCheck ...adds readycheck info to the oUF unitframes. 
- oUF_Shestak ...is a simple unitframes layout. Frames supported: player, target, tot, focus, focustarget, pet, party, raid, maintank, maintank targets. Plugins supported: oUF_DebuffHighlight, oUF_ReadyCheck, oUF_Reputation, oUF_Experience, oUF_TotemBar, oUF_WeaponEnchant, oUF_Swing, oUF_MoveableFrames, oUF_AuraWatch, oUF_ThreatFeedback, oUF_HealComm4, oUF_PvPTrinket, oUF_Trinket, oUF_CombatFeedback, oUF_Smooth, oUF_SpellRange. 
- oUF_Trinket ...adds a PvP trinket icon to the oUF unitframes. 
- pMap ...enhances the WorldMap and BGMam with a few features. 
- rActionBarStyler ...mod to edit the positions of the default ActionBars. 
- rActionButtonStyler ...mod that uses hooksecurefunctions to edit the textures of the default ActionButtonTemplate. 
- tabDB ...is small addon combining the Dungeon Finder and the Raid Browser into a single window with tabs on the right hand side to switch between them. 
- tekability ...simply adds a percent to the equipment icons in the char panel. 
- teksLoot ...it gives you tiny loot-roll frames. 
- tekticles ...is a simple set of fonts. 
- TradeTabs ...is a small addon to add spellbook-like tabs to the TradeSkillFrame.

Optional Addons 
- aRaidCooldowns ...ALZA mod that, track raid CD. 
- aThreatMeter ...ALZA threat bar. 
- aTotemBar ...is a small replacement for the default totem bar. 
- DBM-Core ...Only modified and stylized files. After each update DBM must again rewrite them. 
- oUF_HealComm4 ...adds a visual representation of incoming heals to the oUF unitframes. 
- PallyPower ...all known PP. 
- Skada ...all known Skada. 
- sThreatMeter2 ...is a small threat meter. 
Команды(тоже не перевёл): 
/rl - reload interface. 
/frame - get name of frame under cursor. 
/parent - get name of parent frame of frame under cursor. 
/rc - make readycheck. 
/rd - removes everyone from raid/party. 
/gm - open gm frame. 
/uihelp - in game help info(need localizations). 
/lstats - help command for LiteStats. 
/settings dbm - DBM settings with classcolor bar. 
/settings skada - Skada settings. 
/settings msbt - MSBT settings. 
/settings all - all settings. 
/teksloot - move grouploot frame. 
/wf - move watch frame. 
/en - enable addon. "/en filger" will enable addon Filger. Changes will be made after UI reload. 
/dis - same for disabling addons. 
/addons solo - enable(disable bottom list) solo addons.* 
/addons party - enable party addons.* 
/addons raid - enable raid addons.* 
/addons pvp - enable pvp addons.* 
/addons trade - enable trade addons.* 
/addons quest - enable quest addons.* 
*see the current addon list and add your addons to the list: 
Interface\AddOns\!aSettings\!aSettings.lua(685+ lines). 
Create a macro: /run Mountz(groundmount, flyingmount), replacing groundmount and flyingmount with names of mounts you want. 
Example: /run Mountz("Amani War Bear", "Plagued Proto-Drake"

Категория: Аддоны | Добавил: dessar
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